“Reducing Carbon footprint towards Net Zero” is the theme launched by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in the 2024 Earth Hour Campaign (taking place from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on March 23, 2024).
Originating from a lights out event in Sydney, Australia 2007, Earth Hour – initiated by WWF – has become an annual global movement for environmental conservation. On March 23, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. local time, Earth Hour will take place for the 18th time worldwide. The campaign calls on individuals, businesses, and communities worldwide to “Switch off and Give an hour for Earth,” doing something meaningful for our planet.
The 2024 Earth Hour Theme
In the 2024 Earth Hour, WWF launched the theme “Reducing Carbon footprint towards Net Zero.” This message emphasizes the crucial role in the journey towards Net Zero, while calling on countries to aim for a green economy, circular economy, sustainable development that applies nature-based solutions, expands biodiversity corridors, conservation areas; reduces emissions; transitions to renewable energy in various sectors; and innovates scientific and technological solutions to reduce pressure on the natural environment.
Vietnam’s Role and Responsibility
In document No. 1221/BTNMT-TTTT (dated February 28, 2024) guiding the organization of activities in response to World Water Day, World Meteorological Day, and the 2024 Earth Hour Campaign, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment emphasized that this is also an opportunity for Vietnam to demonstrate the role, responsibility, and efforts at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) to join the world in aiming for the Net Zero goal by 2050.
The Message of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
In the media for the 2024 Earth Hour campaign, the Ministry of Industry and Trade added the message “Save Electricity – Become a Habit”* to convey to the community not only to save electricity, save energy, and protect the environment for one hour, but also for individuals, communities, and businesses to practice regularly throughout the 365 days of the year to save electricity and energy, in accordance with Directive No. 20/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister (issued on June 8, 2023) on enhancing electricity saving in the period 2023-2025 and the following years.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade issues a message about Electricity Saving in response to the 2024 Earth Hour campaign
According to Directive No. 20/CT-TTg, from 2023 to 2025 and in the following years, the whole country must strive to annually save at least 2.0% of the total electricity consumption; Reduce electricity losses in the entire power system to below 6% by 2025; Strive by 2030 to have 50% of office buildings and 50% of households using self-generating and self-consuming rooftop solar power. In addition, the Prime Minister also requires the reduction of peak load capacity of the national power system through the implementation of Demand Side Management (DSM) and Demand Response (DR) programs, at least 1,500 MW by 2025; By the end of 2025, strive for 100% of street lighting to use LED lights.
To achieve this goal, the Prime Minister requires all organizations and individuals to seriously and resolutely implement electricity-saving measures. Specifically:
– Implementing electricity saving in offices: Utilize and mobilize resources to install and use rooftop solar power systems, solar water heating systems to reduce electricity consumption from the national power system.
– Implementing electricity saving in households: Encourage installing and using rooftop solar power systems for self-use at home, solar water heating systems.
– Implementing electricity saving in manufacturing businesses:
- Encourage implementing programs where businesses voluntarily agree to implement energy-saving solutions, install rooftop solar power, and provide advice on implementing energy-saving and efficient solutions.
- Install, integrate renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy into internal energy systems; prioritize using high-efficiency energy-labeled devices.
Households and businesses wishing to install solar power systems to use clean energy, join hands to save energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Hotline 1800 7171 or +84 9 1800 7171 or via email hello@vuphong.com to receive the fastest support from Vu Phong Energy Group! |
Vu Phong Energy Group