Solar power lights up many dreams in Yen Thuy, Hoa Binh


Four preschools in the hilly area of Yen Thuy, Hoa Binh province, Lac Luong, Lac Sy, Lac Hung, and Huu Loi have received solar power systems with a total capacity of more than 32 kWp. This is the outcome of the project “Solar energy solution for preschools in four project communes under the Yen Thuy Area Program” – one of World Vision’s meaningful projects (through World Vision Vietnam). Vu Phong Energy Group develops and installs all four systems.

Yen Thuy is a hilly region west of Hoa Binh City where economic circumstances are still difficult, affecting people’s quality of life, notably children. World Vision has been implementing the Yen Thuy area development program since 2009, with four target communes, including Huu Loi, Lac Luong, Lac Hung, and Lac Sy – communes in difficult and incredibly difficult areas of the district. This long-term community development program focuses on critical areas such as child sponsorship, child protection, education, economic development, water and sanitation, health and nutrition, capacity building, and disaster management.

At the end of August 2022, the Hoa Binh People’s Committee’s Chairman approved the “Solar energy solution for preschools in four project communes under the Yen Thuy Area Program” to improve the learning environment and children’s health care for climate change adaptation and risk management. Vu Phong Energy Group immediately completed a survey to execute the building and installation of rooftop solar power systems at the Lac Luong, Lac Sy, Lac Hung, and Huu Loi preschools as part of this meaningful community project.

Vu Phong Energy Group’s engineering team completed four solar power systems at school sites in about a month, helping to light up classrooms with clean energy. Each system has an 8.1 kWp capacity and employs 18 high-quality solar panels, auxiliary frames, and conductors with a design durability of more than 30 years. Clean energy will now accompany teachers on the journey of nurturing green dreams for future generations of children. They will also have early access to renewable energy, contributing to environmental awareness and working together to protect the green planet.

Huu-LoiSolar power system at Huu Loi preschool (Yen Thuy, Hoa Binh)

Lac SySolar power system at Lac Sy preschool (Yen Thuy, Hoa Binh)

Lac LuongSolar power system at Lac Luong preschool (Yen Thuy, Hoa Binh)

Lac HungSolar power system at Lac Hung preschool (Yen Thuy, Hoa Binh)

Vu Phong Energy Group attended the handover conference in early November 2022 and signed a commitment to operate and maintain solar energy systems for the preschool’s Lac Luong, Lac Sy, Lac Hung, and Huu Loi. The Conference the Yen Thuy Regional Program Management Board organised in partnership with World Vision Vietnam, Mr Hong, Bui Van, Vice Chairman of Yen Thuy District People’s Committee, Head of Yen Thuy Area Program Management Board and leaders of the Education and Training Department, Infrastructure Economics Department, Head of Yen Thuy Area Program participated in this conference. Vu Phong Energy Group representatives reported on developing and constructing solar power systems while also training preschool teachers on green energy, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation at the conference.

dien-mat-troi-tai-yen-thuy-hoa-binh-Vu Phong Energy Group, at the conference, handed over and signed a commitment to operate and maintain solar energy systems for Lac Luong, Lac Sy, Lac Hung and Huu Loi preschools

After nearly 14 years on the mission journey “Develop clean energy for the green environment and sustainable development“, Vu Phong Energy Group has had the opportunity to participate in many meaningful community projects, sharing love and positive energy with people and children in many localities across the country, particularly border areas, navies, mountainous areas, and remote areas. These meaningful journeys are also Vu Phong’s efforts towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goals 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all), Goals 4 (Ensure high-quality, fair, comprehensive education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), Goals 5 (Achieve gender equality; empower and chances all women and girls).

Vu Phong Energy Group

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